Speech on Pakistan Resolution Day

Speech on Pakistan Resolution Day download in Urdu and English from this page. Every year Pakistan celebrates Pakistan Resolution Day on 23rd March 2024. 23rd March is a Day for the nation of Pakistan. All of us should know the idea of Pakistan Day. In this article, we try to cover the speech on Pakistan day in Urdu and English. Students will get help to prepare a speech on Resolution day. They can participate in the functions of Pakistan day and also speak about it. It is the right time to spread the awareness of Pakistan movement. Our children, students, and young can know the real meaning of Pakistan.

Speech on Pakistan Resolution Day in English for Students

Speech on Pakistan Resolution Day in English for Students

Pakistan Day is a day to remember and celebrate the founding of the independent Muslim state of Pakistan. The day is marked by flag-hoisting ceremonies, parades, and cultural events. Pakistan Day promotes the message of unity and sacrifice in our nation.  We should stand for the development of Pakistan like the resolution time. Pakistan demands us peace, prosperity, and sacrifice. Pakistani people should appreciate the struggle of leaders.

Official nameYaum-e-Qarardad
Observed byPakistan
SignificanceCommemoration of Pakistan Resolution and Constitution
CelebrationsFull Joint Inter-Services military parade, conferring of national decorations
ObservancesPakistan (Diplomatic missions of Pakistan in other countries)
Date23 March
Next time23 March 2024

Pakistan Day Speech in English for Class 1

All major leaders of the Muslim League attended the annual session held on 23rd March 1940 in Lahore. At that time all Hindu newspapers criticized the resolution of the Muslim League and named it Pakistan Resolution. That day was famous as Pakistan Resolution Day in history. No doubt, 23rd March is a historical day for us. The President of Pakistan Resolution was Quaid E Azam.

Pakistan Day Speech in English for Class 3

Mainly A. K. Fazlul Huq presented the historical Lahore resolution in 1940. The purpose of the Pakistan Resolution was to obtain a separate homeland and get freedom from the British government. Allama Iqbal, Sir Hussain Shaheed Sarwardy Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, Chaudhry Khaliquzzaman, Sardar Aurangzeb Khan, and Qazi Muhammad Essa participated in Qarardad-e-Lahore.

Pakistan Day Speech in Urdu

All India Muslim League modified its goals. After that day, AML targeted to achieve a separate homeland and struggled for Pakistan. AML spent his further years obtaining independence from the English and also Hindus.  Our leaders know the main motive of the All India National Congress. That’s why; they try to get a separate country from Hindus. More they focused to highlight the values of Islam.

Taqreer on Pakistan Resolution Day

You write down the main points of your speech on Pakistani day. All of us should celebrate and understand the meaning of Pakistan Resolution Day. Pakistan Resolution Day has great importance in our life. It was a great change in the Pakistan freedom movement. Today you can see Minar-e-Pakistan in Lahore Iqbal Park which is the live memory of Pakistan Resolution Day.

The Significance of Pakistan Resolution Day

Pakistan Resolution Day is significant because it reminds us of the principles on which our nation was founded. We are a nation of many different ethnic and religious groups, but we are united by our commitment to democracy, equality, and justice. The Pakistan Resolution is a reminder of our shared values and of the importance of working together for a better future.

Taqreer on Pakistan Resolution Day in Urdu Download PDF

Pakistan Today: Progress and Challenges

Pakistan has made great strides since its founding, but there are still many challenges that we face as a nation. We must continue to work together to build a prosperous and peaceful future for all Pakistanis. On this Pakistan Resolution Day, let us rededicate ourselves to the task of building a strong and united Pakistan.

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