AIOU Past Papers Solved 2025 Download PDF

Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU Past Papers Solved and Old examination papers of Matric, FA, BA, BSc, BA (2 Year)/ Associate Degree, B.Ed, M.Ed, MA, M.Sc all semester are available here. Therefore, most questions were asked in various papers that were repeated in previous exams along with the paper pattern used by the university in previous exams. However, utterly provides the best stuff for your good preparation. So, please download the previous year’s question paper according to the new paper pattern of

Note: Download or view AIOU past papers for matric, F.A, B.A, B.Ed, M.A, M.Ed, B.S, M.Sc, or Diploma programs.

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AIOU Past Papers Solved 2025 Download PDF

Download AIOU’s past papers in PDF format. Allama Iqbal Open University is quite ready to hold the spring/fall exam this week. Students of matric, FA/FSc/ICS/, BA/BSc/ADP, M.Ed, B.Ed, BS, MSc/MA, MS/M. Phil and Ph.D. program should start their preparation. Past papers of AIOU play a significant role in preparation. That’s why we are sharing AIOU past papers so that students can get help in preparation.

451 AIOU Past Papers Download

You can obtain AIOU past papers on all codes and major subjects. AIOU repeats previous questions in upcoming papers. Our offered AIOU old papers are free of cost. Please use the provided links to download AIOU’s previous papers in PDF format.

AIOU Past Papers Pdf

Plenty of websites are offering Allama Iqbal Open University’s past papers. But our website offers all AIOU past papers in PDF format. Students can download and save AIOU previous year’s papers for later solving. Always students should solve past papers of AIOU so that they can get the highest marks in exams.

Matric Programme Helping Material and Past Papers

1SSC (Matric General)View
2Matric Dars-e-NizamiView

AIOU Past Papers Solved

Allama Iqbal Open University is a prominent university for distance and physical education. Therefore, it is a federal university that offers virtual/distance education across Pakistan. A million students have enrolled in AIOU. They will have to attempt an examination of AIOU.  In conclusion, AIOU’s past papers are more useful for students who lack time.  So, here we are presenting the past five years’ AIOU papers which are solved by experts. Students can memorize answers to AIOU past papers and also write for upcoming exams.

F.A / I.Com Programm Helping Material and Past Papers

1Higher Secondary School Certificate (General Group) or F.A GeneralView
2Higher Secondary School Certificate (I.COM) For Commerce GroupView
3Higher Secondary School Certificate (Dars-E-Nazami Group)View
4Home and Health SciencesView

Allama Iqbal Open University Five Years Past Papers

Students can download AIOU all subject past papers & AIOU Helping Material of 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, BSc, BA, BEd., MEd., BIT, BSC, MCS, CT, SSC, HSSC, FA, PTC, FSC, Matric, Inter, Intermediate, Diploma, PGD, Masters, M.Phil, PhD here on this page.

BS/BBA Programme Helping Material and Past Papers

1BS in MicrobiologyView
2BS in Computer ScienceView
3BS MathematicsView
4BS PhysicsView
5BS StatisticsView
6BS ChemistryView
7BS Instructional Design & TechnologyView
8BS Library and Information SciencesView
9BS Mass CommunicationView
10Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)View
11B.S Environmental SciencesView

AIOU Old Papers for All Program Level

We gather AIOU past papers from multiple sources for the easiness of students. Brilliant students always give preference to past papers. On the other hand, Preparation is an emblem of success in any field of life. The study requires efforts from students to succeed.

Associate Degrees Helping Material and Past Papers

1Associate Degree in Business Administration (Islamic Banking)View
2Associate Degree in Business Administration (Human Resource Management)View
3Associate Degree in Business Administration (Marketing)View
4Associate Degree in Commerce (ADC)View
5Associate Degree in Education (ADE)View

AIOU Past Papers of All Courses All Codes

Today, AIOU students should download past papers in Urdu, English, Mathematics, Islamiat, Education, Sociology, history, geography, IR, Pakistan Study, Political science, Arabic, Economics, and others. Read this article till the end because we have all the information and past papers you need.

MSc/MBA Programmes Helping Material and Past Papers

1MSc MathematicsView
2MSc PhysicsView
3MSc Physics (B. Tech)View
4MSc StatisticsView
5MSc MicrobiologyView
6MSc Environmental ScienceView
7MSc BotanyView
8MSc EconomicsView
9MSc Pakistan StudiesView
10MSc SociologyView
11MSc Gender and Women StudiesView
12MSc Mass CommunicationView
13MSc Forestry ExtensionView
14MSc Sustainable Environmental DesignView
15MSc Public NutritionView
16MSc Administrative SciencesView
17MSc ChemistryView
18MSc (Hons) Agricultural ExtensionView
19MSc (Hons) Livestock ManagementView
20MSc (Hons) Rural DevelopmentView
21MBA Banking And Finance (B&F)View
22MBA Information Technology (IT)View
23MBA MarketingView
24MBA Banking And Finance (3.5 years) (B&F)View
25MBA Human Resource Management (3.5 years) (HRM)View
26MBA Information Technology (3.5 years) (IT)View
27MBA Marketing (3.5 years)View
28MBA Rural Management (3.5 years)View
29MBA Executive (COL MBA/MPA)View
30MSc Television Production ProgramView
31Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) In Educational Planning and Management (EPM)View
32Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) In Mass CommunicationView
33Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) In Gender & Women StudiesView
34MBA (Distance Education)View
35MS Environmental DesignView
36MS Computer ScienceView
37MS Management SciencesView
38MS Shari’AhView
39M.Sc Community Health and NutritionView

AIOU B.ED Past Papers M.ED Download for (1.5, 2.5 & 04 Years)

AIOU is an ISO-certified university in Pakistan. Allama Iqbal Open University provides outstanding courses of B.ED and M.Ed. A lot of students are studying in these classes and also searching for past papers. Therefore, they can acquire past papers in Urdu and English medium. It is restricted for students to attempt B.Ed and M.Ed papers in English.

Bachelor Programmes Helping Material and Past Papers

1B.Ed (1.5 Years)View
2B.Ed (2.5 Years)View
3B.Com (Associate Degree in Commerce)View
4Bachelor of Library and Information SciencesView
5Bachelor in Mass CommunicationView
6Bachelor of Arts (General Group)View
7B.A Dars-e-NizamiView
8B.Ed (4 years)View
9B.Ed Secondary Teacher Education (4 Years)View
10B.Sc Vision SciencesView
11B.Ed ArabicView

AIOU Helping Material and Simple Paper

Allama Iqbal Open University does not share any helping material officially. But for the easiness of students, we are sharing here AIOU helping materials and sample papers. In addition, many publishers in the market are selling AIOU guides and helping books. Students can understand the paper syllabus and paper pattern through these books.

Masters Programmes Helping Material and Past Papers

1M.Com (Accounting and Finance)View
2Master of Library & Information Sciences (MLIS)View
3MA HistoryView
4MA Distance and Non-Formal EducationView
5MA Education (Specialization in Teacher Education)View
6MA Special EducationView
7M.Ed In Distance & Non-Formal Education (DNFE)View
8M.Ed In Elementary Teacher Education (ETE)View
9M.Ed In Teacher EducationView
10M.Ed In Science EducationView
11M.Ed In Special EducationView
12MA ArabicView
13MA Islamic Studies (General)View
14MA Islamic Studies (Specialization in Quran and Tafseer)View
15MA Islamic Studies (Specialization in Hadith and Hadith Sciences)View
16MA Islamic Studies (Specialization in Islamic Law and Jurisprudence)View
17MA UrduView
18M.A Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)View
19MA Education Educational Planning & Management (EPM)View

AIOU Past Papers solved

AIOU Past Papers Solved

AIOU Previous Years Past Papers 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, and 2015 can be downloaded online. Download or view past papers for AIOU for matric, F.A, B.A, B.Ed, M.A, M.Ed, B.S, M.Sc or Diploma programs. Spring and Autumn old papers are separated into tables.

Diploma Programmes Helping Material and Past Papers

1Post Graduate Diploma (Human Resource Management)View
2Post Graduate Diploma (Supply Chain Management)View
3Post Graduate Diploma (Entrepreneurship)View
4Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) In Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)View
5Post Graduate Diploma In Computer ScienceView
6Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Early Childhood EducationView
7Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Educational Leadership and ManagementView

AIOU Past Paper 5 years Old Papers

Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad was established in 1974, it is Asia’s first open university with a strong emphasis on providing distance education in philosophy, natural science, and social sciences. AIOU offers extensive undergraduate and post-graduate programs in academic disciplines. AIOU is one of the oldest and most well-known universities in Pakistan and has the privilege of being the second Open University in the world.

STEP/Courses Helping Material and Past Papers

1Agricultural CoursesView
2Al Lisan Ur ArabiView
3STEP (Community Education)View
4STEP (Hotel Services)View
5STEP (Management Science)View
6STEP (Social Science)View
7Technical CoursesView
8Certificate of Teaching (CT)View
10Electrician CertificateView
11Lughatul QuranView
12Arabic Teachers Training Course (ATTC)View
13Open TechView

Allama Iqbal Open University Past Papers

Please tell us in the comment box if are not able to download AIOU Previous Years Past Papers, our expert team solve your problem. The university follows a modified two semesters per year (Spring-Autumn). Admission forms and prospectus could be purchased from the University’s main campus, 44 regional Campuses, and more than 100- Coordinating Offices across the country.

M.Phil Programmes Helping Material and Past Papers

1M.Phil (Science Education)View
2M.Phil ArabicView
3M.Phil (Special Education)View
4M.Phil ChemistryView
5M.Phil EconomicsView
6M.Phil Education In Distance And Non-Formal Education (DNFE)View
7M.Phil Educational Planning & Management (EPM)View
8M.Phil HistoryView
9M.Phil in Pakistani Languages and LiteratureView
10M.Phil Iqbal StudiesView
11M.Phil Islamic Studies (General)View
12M.Phil Islamic Studies (Quran & Tafseer)View
13M.Phil Mass CommunicationView
14M.Phil MathView
15M.Phil PhysicsView
16M.Phil StatisticsView
17M.Phil Teacher EducationView
18M.Phil UrduView
19M.Phil Education (ETE)View
20M.Phil Food and NutritionView

AIOU Past Papers Autumn & Spring 2025

Every one of AIOU’s past Matric exams is now available for you to view online. Exams from previous years are available to download as papers from the past. Students can benefit greatly from the AIOU papers from the past. The Spring of 2025. AIOU Past Papers Solved spring and fall semester papers Parts 1 and 2 Download Here.

Ph.D. Programs Helping Material and Past Papers

1PhD in Pakistani Languages and Literature (M.Phil BASED)View
2PhD Iqbal StudiesView
3Ph.D UrduView
4Ph.D. Education in Distance and Non-formal Education (DNFE)View
5Ph.D (Food & Nut)View
6PhD (Business Administration)View
7PhD StatisticsView
8PhD PhysicsView
9PhD Mass CommunicationView
10Ph.D. in Agricultural ExtensionView
11PhD Teacher EducationView
12PhD Educational Planning & Management (EPM)View
13PhD Special Education (M.Phil based)View
14Ph.D ShariahView
15Ph.D. Islamic Studies (Quran & Tafseer)View
16Ph.D Science EducationView
17PhD ChemistryView
18Ph.D Computer SciencesView


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