GOVT MAO College Lahore Admissions 2025 – MAO College Lahore has started FA, Fsc, BSc, MA, MSc admissions. The online application procedure for admission is begun right now. To apply please login at, here you need to create an account. Before apply to check the eligibility criteria, admission fee structure last date to apply, and offering courses. The advertisement of the latest admission at MAO College is available at the official site
Government M.A.O College Online Admission 2025
On this page, we are sharing useful information for all admission seekers in MAO Colleges. If you are one of them then you should read out this post completely.
MAO College Fee Structure 2025
Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College is none profitable and public-based sector. Being a public institution it has a very reasonable fee structure that is manageable for low-income students. In order to know complete details of the MAO College fee structure, you should purchase the latest prospectus from its main campus. There you can access the fee schedule of each offered program separately.
FA degree in FA [Hist.Islam-Punj-Stat] | FA degree in FA [Arab-Hist.M.Hind-Stat] |
FA degree in FA [Civic-Geog-Hist.Islam] | FA degree in FA [Arab-Hist.Islam-Phil] |
FA degree in FA [Hist-Pers-Stat] | FA degree in FA [Hist.M.Hind-Pers-Phil] |
FA degree in FA [Comp.Sc-Econ-Psych] | FA degree in FA [Arab-Hist-Stat] |
FA degree in FA [Eng.Lit-Islam.St-Psych] | FA degree in FA [Econ-Psych-Urdu.Lit] |
FA degree in FA [Econ-Hist.Islam-Psych] | FA degree in FA [Hist.Islam-Phil-Punj] |
FA degree in FA [Arab-Hist.M.Hind-Phil] | FA degree in FA [Civic-Eng.Lit-Islam.St] |
FA degree in FA [Islam.St-Psych-Punj] | FA degree in FA [Pak.Hist-Punj-Stat] |
FA degree in FA [Hist.Eu-Punj-Stat] | FA degree in FA [Comp.Sc-Econ-Islam.St] |
FA degree in FA [Arab-Hist-Phil] | FA degree in FA [Eng.Lit-Islam.St-Phil] |
FA degree in FA [Econ-Islam.St-Urdu.Lit] | FA degree in FA [Islam.St-Phil-Urdu.Lit] |
FA degree in FA [Econ-H.P.Edu-Stat] | FA degree in FA [Hist.Islam-Pers-Stat] |
FA degree in FA [Arab-Hist.Eu-Stat] | FA degree in FA [Civic-Comp.Sc-Islam.St] |
FA degree in FA [Hist-Phil-Punj] | FA degree in FA [Pak.Hist-Phil-Punj] |
FA degree in FA [Hist.Eu-Phil-Punj] | FA degree in FA [Civic-Islam.St-Punj] |
FA degree in FA [Arab-Pak.Hist-Stat] | FA degree in FA [Econ-Hist-Stat] |
FA degree in FA [Civic-Islam.St-Urdu.Lit] | FA degree in FA [Hist.M.Hind-Punj-Stat] |
FA degree in FA [Econ-H.P.Edu-Psych] | FA degree in FA [Hist.Islam-Pers-Phil] |
FA degree in FA [Arab-Hist.Eu-Phil] | FA degree in FA [H.P.Edu-Islam.St-Psych] |
FA degree in FA [Pak.Hist-Pers-Stat] | FA degree in FA [Hist.Eu-Pers-Stat] |
FA degree in FA [Civic-H.P.Edu-Islam.St] | FA degree in FA [Arab-Pak.Hist-Phil] |
FA degree in FA [Comp.Sc-Islam.St-Phil] | FA degree in FA [Islam.St-Phil-Punj] |
FA degree in FA [Hist.M.Hind-Phil-Punj] | FA degree in FA [Econ-H.P.Edu-Islam.St] |
FA degree in FA [H.P.Edu-Islam.St-Phil] | FA degree in FA [Islam.St-Psych-Urdu.Lit] |
FA degree in FA [Geog-Islam.St-Psych] | FA degree in FA [Pak.Hist-Pers-Phil] |
FA degree in FA [Hist.Eu-Pers-Phil] | FA degree in FA [Civic-Geog-Punj] |
FA degree in FA [Arab-Hist.Islam-Stat] | FA degree in FA [Hist-Punj-Stat] |
FA degree in Humanities | FA degree in FA [Hist.M.Hind-Pers-Stat] |
FA degree in FA [Comp.Sc-Islam.St-Psych] | FA degree in FA [Civic-Geog-Islam.St] |
FA degree in FA [Geog-Hist-Psych] | FA degree in FA [Econ-Stat-Urdu.Lit] |
FA degree in FA [Econ-Hist-Islam.St] | FSC degree in G. Science [Econ-Math-Stat] |
FSC degree in General Science | FSC-ENGG degree in Science [Pre-Engineering] |
FSC-MED degree in Science [Pre-Medical] | I.COM degree in Commerce |
ICS degree in ICS [Comp-Math-Phys] | ICS degree in Computer Science |
ICS degree in ICS [Comp-Math-Stat] | ICS degree in ICS [Comp-Econ-Math] |
M.A.O College Online Admission 2025
As you have known that, MAO College has opened its new admission in BS (H) for 4 years, morning & evening, intermediate parts I, II, and BSc in BSIT. Get now MAO College admissions eligibility criteria and fill the form online to take enrollment in your desire program and course. It is mandatory matriculation passed to get admission in intermediate FA, Fsc, and with relevant subjects.
#SR | M.A.O College Admission 2025 | Action |
1. | Intermediate Admission | Apply Online |
2. | BS(H) 4 Years Program Admission | Apply Online |
3. | M.A./M.Sc Admission | Apply Online |
The eligibility criteria are set Intermediate for BS (H) 4 years is FA, Fsc, and However, MAO College will grant admissions a purely merit basis according to the applicant’s academic background and entry test.
M.A.O College Last Date Of Admission 2025
Admission application opening right date is November 21, 2025, and the closure date of admission is also November, December 2025. Submit your application before the given timeframe.
Above mentioned departments are offering intermediate to doctorial programs by HEC approval. Check details of these departments and know subcategorized courses of these departments at MAO College is a short form of Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College. It was come to being before the partition of Pakistan after being impressed by the Ali Ghar movement in 1875.
MAO College Contact Numbers
Phone: 042-99214988
Fax: 042-99214989
Email: [email protected]