Admission Of Pakistani Students to Foreign Universities

Admission Of Pakistani Students to Foreign Universities: It is notified for information of the general public that the Higher Education Commission (HEC), Pakistan recognises on-campus degrees of ONLY those Foreign Universities/Degree Awarding Institutions which are enlisted in the International Directories published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and are duly recognized by the respective Governments.

Check the Recognition of the Institution before Admission!

Therefore, all those Pakistani students who are interested in getting admission to any degree programme of Foreign Universities are advised to confirm the accredited/chartered status of the respective University/Institution by visiting the following websites before obtaining admission:

Check Online

For Universities/Institutions in USA Check Here

Professional Degree Programmes

It is further advised that students interested in foreign universities’ Professional Degree Programmes (Medical, Engineering, Nursing, etc.) should check the recognition status of the respective professional bodies in Pakistan. A list of these professional bodies is available at: Here

  • Please note that the recognition of any foreign qualification is determined on individual merit.
  • HEC does not recognize the degrees awarded by non-chartered universities/institutions.
  • Moreover, for professional degree programmes, it is mandatory to get registration/endorsement from respective professional bodies for practice in Pakistan.

Admission of Pakistani Students in Foreign Universities

Admission of Pakistani Students in Foreign Universities

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