Immunization Program in Pakistan 2024

The immunization Program in Pakistan is functional since 1978.  World Health Organization WHO also helps Pakistan with the Immunization program. The government of Pakistan targets to avoid children’s childhood tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and measles. The main purpose of this program is to protect newborns and mothers by vaccines against tenants. Fight against viral and bacterial diseases is a part of the Sustainable Development Goal. Pakistan has revised its Immunization Program policy for 2024 this week. Foreign Nationals can now register for the Covid-19 Vaccination program. Click to register as a Foreign National or download your immunization certificate here.

National Immunization Program Registration

Foreign Nationals can now register for the Covid-19 Vaccination program. Foreign Nationals can now register for the Covid-19 Vaccination program. Click to register as a Foreign National or download your immunization certificate here.

National Immunization Program PakistanNational Immunization Program Pakistan

Recently Pakistan launched a Measles-Rubella campaign and vaccinated 93 million children. FDI and the Ministry of National Health Services both are struggling to save Pakistan from diseases.  Another hand, provincial governments are also hiring new vaccination staff/workers. They will visit door to door for vaccination within the duration.

Child Vaccination Schedule in Pakistan

The child Vaccination schedule in Pakistan is available online on the official website of FDI. All newborns will be vaccinated every month. Vaccinators will provide a card to children’s mothers which reveals a schedule of child vaccination. The general schedule is the same all over Pakistan. In addition, the national immunization program is verified by World Health Organization.

EPI Schedule Pakistan 2024

EPI schedule Pakistan 2024 is updated. Ministry of National Health Services also revises EPI Schedule. That schedule is helpful and useful for every child and his/her mother. No need to search it from here and there. Visit our website regularly to get EPI Schedule online. Further, you can download the EPI schedule Pakistan 2024 Pdf. A child needs five-time vacancies in his/her first year while the second year needs a one-time vaccine. It prevents a child from 9 dreadful diseases. Punjab is the first province that has gained some targets regarding EPI.

EPI program in Pakistan

Since the launch of the program, the implementation of immunization activities has been carried out by the provinces themselves. However, Federal Government acted as a nucleus to coordinate, monitor, and supervise provinces and areas in the implementation process of the provincial programs The role of the federal EPI cell was implementation, provision of policy and technical guidelines, coordination for international assistance, surveillance, and monitoring. Additionally, the program also facilitated provincial health departments by procurement and supply of requisite vaccines and other logistics.

How Many Diseases Are Covered in EPI

How Many Diseases Are Covered in EPI?

Pakistan is working to end infectious diseases with the help of International organizations. EPI program covers 6 to 8 different viral and bacterial diseases. Vaccine promotes defending power in a child against following diseases.

  • Tuberculosis
  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Pertussis
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hib pneumonia and meningitis
  • Measles
  • Diarrhea due to rotavirus

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Routine Immunization Schedule

At BirthAt BirthBCG OPV-0 Hep-B
2nd Visit6 weeksOPV-I Pneumococcal-I Rotavirus-I Pentavalent-I
3rd Visit10 weeksOPV-II Pneumococcal-II Rotavirus-II Pentavalent-Il
4th Visit14 weeksOPV-III Pneumococcal-III IPV I Pentavalent-III
5th Visit9 monthsMR-I Typhoid IPV – II
6th Visit15 monthsMR-II

Expanded Program on Immunization, Pakistan

The resources provided therein are primarily used to procure and supply the vaccines, syringes, safety boxes, and other logistics needed by the provincial and areas to vaccinate their target populations. Nevertheless, the provinces and areas through respective EPI program units are themselves responsible to manage the operational cost of the immunization activities at the provincial and district levels.

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Expanded Program on Immunization Contact Numbers

Address: Prime Minister’s National Health Complex, Park Road, Islamabad.

Phone: +92 51 9255101

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